Pharmacovigilance I WORKSHOP

The expectations for drug safety in the pharmaceutical industry continue to grow and with them the number and scope of regulations, directives and laws. Pharmacovigilance as a core function is consequently increasing in importance. In this workshop you will learn to master the various terminology that is central to phamacovigilance and to gain a clear understanding of the overall context of drug safety. In addition, you will be introduced to the current regulations in the EU. Through the use of frequent hands-on practice exercises you will have the opportunity to apply your learning to the daily challenges in the world of drug safety.


Target audience

This workshop teaches the fundamentals of pharmacovigilance in theory and practice and is ideally suited for both those new to pharmacovigilance and those who need to refresh their knowledge and skills in this area.


26.-27.01.2015, Berlin
23.-24.02.2015, Berlin
08.-09.06.2015, Berlin
17.-18.08.2015, Berlin
05.-06.10.2015, Berlin
02.-03.11.2015, Berlin
07.-08.12.2015, Berlin

Our experts will gladly provide you with personal consultation. We look forward to hearing from you soon! Contact

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Workshop schedule 2016

Your CRO in Berlin!