Colloquium for Pharmaceutical Development


The Colloquium for Pharmaceutical Development is an indepedendent forum for pharmaceutical development professionals to meet regularly, listen to lectures from expert speakers and discuss topics of common interest. Lecture topics cover a wide spectrum such as auditing, regulatory affairs and drug safety. The evening “Theme Events” are open to everyone, especially in the Berlin Brandenburg area, and offer an ideal opportunity to get practical tips from insiders, exchange ideas and network with other professionals in the industry.

Come on board and join us when it comes to bringing you and your team up to date. Take advantage of this unique chance to pose your questions to experts and receive valuable first-hand insider tips! An additional advantage is the opportunity for networking / to make new contacts with colleagues in your branch.

By taking part and interacting you can help establish the further development and expansion of an important clinical research platform.

We look forward to your visit!



Further information will follow!

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Our experts will gladly provide you with personal consultation. We look forward to hearing from you soon! Contact

Your CRO in Berlin!


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