Introduction to Clinical Trials WORKSHOP

This workshop (“introduction to Clinical Trials and respective laws and guidelines“) offers a comfortable, economic and valuable possibility of gaining an effective insight into modern Clinical Research. The training contains history of Clinical Studies as well as involved instances within Clinical Trials. Furthermore respective regulator basics are going to be imparted. The widespread range of topics enables participants to benefit from a structured, sustainable start in this complex task field. Additionally the workshop offers an ideal option to refresh already acquired professional knowledge.


Target audience

This workshop addresses to professional newcomers as well as experts that like to refresh their knowledge.


16.03.2015, Berlin
21.08.2015, Berlin
18.11.2015, Berlin

Our experts will gladly provide you with personal consultation. We look forward to hearing from you soon! Contact

Click here for more information Introduction to Clinical Trials [176 KB]

Workshop schedule 2016

Your CRO in Berlin!